Blakedale supports Cash for Kids Mission Christmas for 2nd year

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Blakedale support Cash for Kids Mission Christmas for 2nd year

Blakedale has supported Mission Christmas, with the Cash for Kids team in Lancashire for a second year running!

Mission Christmas is the biggest Gift Appeal in the UK run by Cash for Kids, the children’s grant-making charity. Their sole mission is to help provide gifts to local disadvantaged children who risk waking up with nothing to open on Christmas Day.

The charity relies on the generosity of local businesses and members of the public to donate new and unwrapped gifts.

Organisations such as social workers, schools, and smaller charities apply for gifts on behalf of the children they support.

This is a mammoth operation, and each local charity team moves into a Mission HQ each year for a few weeks, with the help of volunteers to sort through the gift donations and process gift applications so they are ready to collect.

When Cash for Kids Lancashire asked if we could continue collecting gift donations for another year, we were keen to help and branded a Blakedale Mission Christmas van, ready to go.


Charity Manager Rosalina commented,

“The support from Blakedale has been extraordinary, from helping with collections of gift donations from our public drop-off points, and bulk donations given and purchased that are required to be picked up in a large van. Some requests have been made in advance and some with very little notice.

Tony, Gary, Jerry, and John have been wonderful to work with. They have been so kind and willing to help. In Lancashire, we have helped 9,743 local children and couldn’t have done this without the help and support of the team at Blakedale. Sorting the gift donations back to our HQ as quickly as possible is vital to getting them to the children who need them before Christmas. 

We are truly grateful for the generosity of Blakedale and a special thank you has to go to Jerry for doing most of the collections across Lancashire and filling up the Blakedale van with heavy builder bags filled with gifts and Tony for helping to coordinate it all. On behalf of Cash for Kids Lancashire, thank you so much for this incredible support”.

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