Blakedale launches new Fleximarker HL for hard landscapes

Feb 2016 | 5 mins 

Road marker posts, bollard and information posts available at Blakedale

Blakedale launches new Fleximarker HL for hard landscapes

Blakedale has diversified its road marker posts division with the launch of Fleximarker HL, a new hazard delineator solution designed specifically for use in hard landscape environments.

For many years Blakedale has produced its original Fleximarker, a flexible hazard delineator post that is used for traffic calming on motorway slip roads, dual carriageways, trunk roads, car parks and other points of potential danger. Its integral spike and barb ensures ease of installation and stability in soft landscape environments, but is not suitable for hard landscapes.

Blakedale, with the assistance of a specialist engineering company, has therefore developed a special galvanised steel socket which can be set level onto any hard surface including concrete, tarmac, asphalt and even block paving. When a hard surface delineator is required, Blakedale simply removes the traditional spike and barb and inserts the Fleximarker post into this socket to form the Fleximarker HL.

Incorporating the same spring-back mechanism as the original post, Fleximarker HL is designed to flex by up to 90 degrees in any direction and is self-righting after impact.

Carmen Bowley, Joint Managing Director of Blakedale, comments: “Thanks to the new socket that we have developed, the ever popular Fleximarker can now fulfil its crucial job of warning road users of hazards in both hard and soft landscape environments. Customers have often asked us for a post that can be used on hard landscapes and hopefully this solution will be ideal for them.”

No additional screws are required to install Fleximarker HL on site; it is weighted down with the surface around it sufficient to hold the socket in position. Fleximarker HL can be fitted with reflectors in a choice of red, white or amber, making it highly visible in all weather and lighting conditions. It is also extremely durable and virtually maintenance free as the sturdy 5mm thick post is rust and rot proof. If repeatedly knocked down, the damaged post can be easily removed from the socket and replaced.

Blakedale customer, Skanska is one of the maintenance contractors and service providers that maintains and manages the motorways and major A roads for Highways England in the South West. It is among the first to deploy this innovative new solution having already installed over 40 Fleximarker HL hazard delineator posts.

“The new Fleximarker HL posts are easy and simple to install, and are providing a robust solution to the network,” says Gavin Johnston, Area VFM Engineer for Skanska.

In addition to Fleximarker and Fleximarker HL, Blakedale offers a complete range of hazard delineators, distance marker posts, bollards and information posts, as well as weatherproof bins for roadside storage of grit salt.

The multi million pound business, which also specialises in the hire and sale of Impact Protection, Traffic Management and Support Vehicles, initially started out manufacturing and selling distance marker posts for motorways. Blakedale recently announced investments in new machinery and a new Sales Manager to grow this grassroots operation. Fleximarker HL is the first in a series of new innovations to be announced by the company.

For more information, please visit our road marker post finder.

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