Esso Card™ Fuel Card
We've teamed up with leading fuel card provider Wex, to offer our customers the most competitive fuel prices.
As a valued Blakedale customer, you can apply for a FREE Esso Card™ fuel card (making an annual saving of £43 per card per year) you’ll also save on average 9.7p* off per litre at Esso fuel stations and a fixed saving of 0.4p* from Shell and BP.
You’ll benefit from an online account management tool, Velocity. This allows you to manage all your fuel cards, monitor usage and enable you to download HMRC-compliant invoices, reducing your administration burden.
To apply for a free Esso Card™ fuel card please contact your account manager or contact a member of the team today.
*Data is based on customers average saving of 9.7p per litre from
1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023. Terms and conditions apply.